Tag Archives: Imece Network

Participated “Akran Program”

On 7-8th December, our team member Fulya Ateş participated in the “Akran Program,” an intensive and rewarding two-day initiative focused on youth participation, advocacy, and campaign creation, fostering collaboration and sparking future advocacy ideas.

“Peer Program” organized by the Youth Services Center, aimed at increasing youth participation in civic initiatives. The program kicked off with an insightful discussion on advocacy and lobbying, which laid a solid foundation for understanding the key concepts. Subsequent sessions explored youth engagement, participation mechanisms, and practices both in Turkey and globally, providing a comprehensive perspective on the topic.

On Sunday, the focus shifted to campaign creation. They analyzed the “Interface Campaign” as a case study before forming groups based on issues they prioritized. Each group then developed and presented their own campaign, fostering creativity and collaboration. The participants were predominantly from outside the city, with notable representation from the other cities and regions.

The two-day program was both intensive and rewarding. It combined in-depth discussions with hands-on activities, creating an environment for meaningful learning and exchange. The diverse group of participants and the collaborative spirit made it an enriching experience, sparking ideas for future advocacy efforts.

ErasmusDays 2024

Erasmusdays 2024
Erasmusdays 2024

3 senedir devam ettirdiğimiz Gençlik Buluşması etkinliğimiz bu sene 19 Ekim Cumartesi günü Şişli İPA Habitat’da gerçekleşti.

İPA ve İBB Gençlik Hizmetleri Müdürlüğü iş birliğiyle hazırladığımız programda 10:00-19:00 arası Gençlik STK’ları fuarı ve yine gün boyu atölyeler ve söyleşiler yapıldı.

Katılan Kurumlar:

AEGEE Istanbul
Aktif Şehirler Derneği
Circle Up
Erasmus İstanbul Sports (ESI)
European Youth Parliament
Genç Düşünce Enstitüsü
GHD Gönüllü Hizmetler Derneği
İBB Gençlik Ofisleri
İklim Öncüleri
İmece Network Eğitim ve Kültür Derneği
İmza Dergisi – Z Kuşağı
JCI İstanbul
Nişantaşı Üniversitesi Erasmus Kulübü
Takım Yıldızı SK
Young Future Association
Yücel Kültür Vakfı

Atölye ve Söyleşi Programı

10:30-11:00 Human Bingo
11.00-11.30 Uluslararası Gençlik Kampı
11.45-12.15 Gençlik ve Kampçılık
12.30-13.00 Proje Yazma Üzerine Temel Bilgiler
13.15-14.15 Postürünle Gücünü Hisset
14.30-15.00 Erasmus Spor
15.15-16.15 XVIII. Crossroads Uluslararası Kısa Film Festivali
16.30-17.00 Erasmus Faaliyetleri ve Sürpriz Oyun
17.15-18.15 Yazarlık Atölyesi
18.30-19.00 Erasmus Staj

Resim galerisi yakında eklenecek!

Stay tuned!

#imecenetwork #imece #erasmusdays #erasmusplus #eurodesk #eurodesktr

TC “From Mental Health to Democratic Participation”

At 15th of july our volunteers participated in a week long Erasmus+ training course in Pamporovo Bulgaria.

Topics of the training were:
Raising awareness about how mental health effects all aspects of our everyday life.
And exercises we can do promote our mental and physical well being.

The project included 19 participants from different backgrounds and nationalities.

During the project participants did lots of activities and workshops together. Such as drawing and discussing. Allowing them to learning by doing.

Outside of sessions participants organized cultural nights to represent their countries. Showing traditional dances, musics and offering snacks.

At the end of the project volunteers left to return their counties as more open minded and mentally resilient individuals. Therefore contributing more to their communities.

TC “Innovative and Good Practices in the Youth Work”

On the 8th of May our adventure started. Three of our volunteers attended the five-day training course that took place in Varna. The training course was organized by the association “Inspiration” Ruse, Bulgaria. Eight countries took part in this course, besides Turkey.

The youth workers played lots of fun games, had some challenging activities and got a chance to improve their communication skills, to be more open-minded, learned not to trust everything they hear in the newspaper. One of the topics that volunteers had a chance to discuss was the topic of human rights.

Of course, every job deserves a treat. On the training courses, we call them intercultural evenings. Every night we brought new information about the other countries that participated in the project. Some countries even did some quizzes to see how much they remembered the presentation or to give them a chance to learn something new about their country.

Sadly, as everything on this project came to an end by the 14th of May, when our volunteers packed their bags and hit the road to Turkey, where they came with lots of excitement and good memories of new friends and places!

Youth Exchange “Our Rights: Human Rights”

From 29th March to 6th April 2024, the Infinite Opportunities Association organised a 7 days exchange programme called ‘Our Rights: Human Rights’, which was co-funded by the European Union.

The aim of the programme was to bring together youth from multiple countries in the world, and give an international and intercultural perspective on human rights. There were 36 participants in total, of which 5 were from Turkey.

Each day was packed with workshops and activities aimed at understanding human rights issues and to encourage conversation on challenging topics. These sessions included: understanding stereotypes and prejudices, freedom of speech versus hate speech, women’s rights and gender equality, understanding privileges in society and who are the underprivileged.

Non-formal learning approaches were used to try to give a solution to the issues discussed. Gamification and campaigning were discussed as tools for promoting social inclusion and human rights. Participants were also encouraged to share literature such as books and leaflets, enriching each other’s understanding and commitment to human rights advocacy.

Intercultural nights allowed participants to share their local foods and drinks with those from other countries, and promoted learning about different cultures too. There were also recreational activities such as tourism or sports that allowed for team building and forming friendships.

By the end of the programme, these young ambassadors returned home, ready to uphold human rights and effect positive change in their communities and beyond.

Imece Iftar 2024

The evening began with a welcoming atmosphere as attendees gathered, sharing stories and laughter. As the call to prayer signaled the end of the fast, everyone sat down to a beautifully arranged table filled with traditional iftar dishes.

The spread included dates, lentil soup, freshly baked bread, and a variety of savory and sweet delights. Conversations flowed naturally, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among the participants. Each attendee contributed to the meal, bringing homemade dishes that showcased their culinary skills and cultural heritage. The sense of togetherness was palpable, making the event feel like a large family gathering. The evening also included a short speech by one of the organizers, expressing gratitude for the presence and contributions of everyone.

As the night progressed, the group enjoyed tea and desserts, deepening their connections through shared experiences and heartfelt conversations. The iftar at Macka Democracy Park was more than just a meal; it was a celebration of community, culture, and the spirit of Ramadan.

A Warm and Communal Iftar at Maçka Democracy Park

The iftar at Maçka Democracy Park was a warm and communal event, attended by 15 people. The evening began with a welcoming atmosphere as attendees gathered, sharing stories and laughter. As the call to prayer signaled the end of the fast, everyone sat down to a beautifully arranged table filled with traditional iftar dishes.

Traditional Iftar Dishes and Shared Moments

The spread included dates, lentil soup, freshly baked bread, and a variety of savory and sweet delights. Conversations flowed naturally, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among the participants. Each attendee contributed to the meal, bringing homemade dishes that showcased their culinary skills and cultural heritage. The sense of togetherness was palpable, making the event feel like a large family gathering.

A Heartfelt Speech by the Organizer

As the night progressed, one of the organizers gave a short speech, expressing gratitude for everyone’s presence and contributions. This added a personal and emotional touch to the evening, highlighting the importance of community and collective effort.

Continuing Friendships with Tea and Desserts

As the evening continued, the group enjoyed tea and desserts, deepening their connections through shared experiences and heartfelt conversations. The iftar at Maçka Democracy Park was more than just a meal; it was a celebration of community, culture, and the spirit of Ramadan.

Dissemination After the TC in Italy

The “Transfer Experience” event at our office was a fascinating exploration of the Wim Hof Method and Italian cultural experiences. Held in a cozy, welcoming atmosphere, the event attracted a diverse group of participants eager to learn and share. The evening began with an engaging introduction to the Wim Hof Method, a breathing and cold exposure technique known for its health benefits.

Our friends Ömer and Ceren, from the training course in Italy, guided the attendees through the basic principles and scientific background of the method. Participants were then led through a practical breathing session, which left many feeling invigorated and curious about incorporating it into their routines. Following this, the focus shifted to Italian experiences, highlighting the rich cultural heritage and vibrant lifestyle of Italy.

Stories about Italian traditions, cuisine, and travel destinations captivated the audience, painting a vivid picture of the country. Our friends shared personal anecdotes from their travels in Italy, offering unique insights and tips for those planning to visit. The evening concluded with an open discussion, where attendees exchanged thoughts and experiences related to both topics. The event was not only informative but also inspired a deeper appreciation for holistic wellness and cultural exploration.

Erasmusdays 2023

İmece Network Erasmusdays 2023

Yes friends! We realised our Erasmusdays event 🙂

This year, on Saturday, October 14, 2023, we brang together a variety of youth institutions for you. In this way, young people had a chance to see many institutions and organizations together and participated in the workshops, presentations and interviews they were interested in.

Participated Organizations:

Faal Derneği
Genç Düşünce Enstitüsü
Gençlik Mevsimi Derneği (Youth Season)
Hürriyet Masası
IAESTE Türkiye
İBB Gençlik ve Spor Müdürlüğü
İBB “Kampüste Çözüm”
İmece Network Education & Culture
İstanbul Kent Konseyi Gençlik Meclisi
Nişantaşı Erasmus Kulübü
Öğrenme Tasarımları
Roman Hafıza Çalışmaları Derneği
T4 Technology Team
TOG – Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı
Uluslararası Aktif Şehirler Derneği
Yücel Kültür Vakfı

Realised Workshops:

11:00 “Youth Exchanges” Imece Network Education & Culture
12:00 “Internship Abroad” IAESTE Türkiye
13:00 “Learning Designs” Öğrenme Tasarımları
13:00 “Erasmus and Philosophy” Hürriyet Masası
14:00 “Culture, Art & Youth” Yücel Kültür Vakfı
15:00 “What does Erasmus clubs add to students?” Nişantaşı Erasmus Kulübü
16:00 “ESC Humanitarian Aid Programme” Youth Season
17:00 “Volunteering Law” Genç Düşünce Enstitüsü
18:00 “Electronic Waste Inspection/Removal Workshop” Pulsec

The meeting took place between 11: 00-19: 00 on Saturday, October 14, 2023 at Şişli İBB Habitat Yaşam Merkezi in cooperation with İmece Network, İPA and İBB Youth and Sports Directorate.

Gallery will be here soon!

#erasmusdays #erasmus #ulusalajans #eurodesk #erasmusplus #imecenetwork #imece #ipaistanbul #ibbgenclikvespor

Training Course “ReACTion” in Pujalt

Between September 5th and 12th, four volunteers from İmece Network attended the training course organized by Back to the Roots Association. After the project, in which a total of 24 participants from 6 countries took part, let’s take a closer look at our volunteers’ thoughts about the project!

Here is Berra’s comment:

Hello.I’m Berra.From September 5th to 12th, I had the opportunity to travel to the beautiful town of Pujalt in Spain for an Erasmus+ Training Course. This experience took place as part of a project supported by the European Union and has become one of the most unforgettable memories of my life.

During the week I spent in this charming town, I had the chance to delve deep into the world of theatre. Throughout the course, we participated in various improvisation workshops.

The most memorable moments were the practical exercises. We worked on different games and performances to enhance our own theatre skills. Interacting with participants from other countries, we experienced a cultural exchange that broadened our perspectives.

This training course not only helped us better understand the art of theatre but also provided an opportunity to meet people from diverse cultures and form new friendships.

This experience reaffirmed the value of European Union cultural exchange projects. The theatre training course in Pujalt was highly enriching for me, both personally and professionally. I look forward to participating in future projects and hope for these experiences to be shared with even more people.

Ahmet expresses his experience as follows:

This experience took place within the scope of a project supported by the European Union and it was an incredible experience for me.

During the week I spent in this town, we did many theater-related activities and I learned a lot about theatre. During the course, we took theater-related improvisation classes. The improvisational theater experience has helped me a lot, not only on stage but also in all areas of life. It improved my ability to make split-second decisions, increased my self-confidence, and taught me what an enriching experience it is to work with people from different cultures. We worked on different plays and performances to improve our theater skills. We had a cultural exchange with our friends from other countries and I learned different things.

With this training, I learned a lot about theater and made great friends. As a result, the improvisational theater experience I had during the Erasmus event in the town of Pujat, Spain, became one of the most valuable memories of my life. It improved my ability to express myself, helped me make new friends and gave me the opportunity to better understand different cultures. This experience will remain an adventure I will always remember.

Here is Mert’s comments:

During the week I spent in Pujalt, we delved into the depths of the art of theatre. Throughout the course, we received various improvisation lessons, and, more importantly, engaged in hands-on activities to enhance our theatre skills. We worked on different plays and performances, fostering our creativity and expressive abilities. Additionally, interacting with participants from different countries enriched us with a cultural exchange, providing us with different perspectives.

This training course not only helped us gain a deeper understanding of the theatre arts but also offered the opportunity to meet different cultures and forge new friendships. This experience reaffirmed the value of European Union cultural exchange projects. The theatre education course in Pujalt was highly productive for me, contributing to both personal and professional development. I look forward to participating in future projects and hope that such experiences can be shared with more people.

As participants of the project, we would like to thank our organization İmece Network and the project owner @backtotheroots.eu.
Organized by: @s.hcli

Imece Network’s Canoeing Adventure: A Splashing Success!

Hello, dear friends and adventure enthusiasts! We are thrilled to share the exciting details of our recent canoeing event held at “Kano ve Kürek Sporları Merkezi” on the 21st of August. What a fantastic day it was, and we’re excited to give you a glimpse into the unforgettable experience we shared.

A Splash of Adventure

Our canoeing event was a celebration of the great outdoors, teamwork, and the joy of paddling through the water. We firmly believe that such adventures are not only a source of fun but also offer valuable life lessons and opportunities for personal growth.

The Beauty of Inclusivity

At Imece Network, inclusivity is at the heart of everything we do. This event was no exception, and we were thrilled to see participants from diverse backgrounds and skill levels come together. Canoeing, as it turns out, is a great equalizer. Whether you were an experienced paddler or a first-timer, the sea treated everyone equally.

A Day of Personal Growth

The sea provided not only a picturesque setting but also valuable life lessons. As participants navigated the waters, they also navigated their comfort zones. The event encouraged everyone to challenge themselves, learn new skills, and discover untapped potentials.

Building Bonds and Communities

One of the most beautiful aspects of Imece Network events is the sense of community that is created. The canoeing event was no different. As participants paddled alongside each other, they forged new friendships, strengthened existing bonds, and built a stronger sense of unity.

A Look Back

We were delighted to see participants embrace the adventure. Some experienced canoeing for the first time, while others polished their skills. The laughter, cheers, and shared moments created lasting memories. It was a day of splashing through challenges and embracing the unknown.

The Future of Adventure

Thank you to everyone who participated in this event. Your enthusiasm made it special. We hope you left with a sense of achievement and a desire for more adventures.

Our commitment to community engagement, youth empowerment, and inclusivity continues. We look forward to organizing more exciting events and sharing unforgettable moments with you.

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming adventures. Keep the spirit of adventure alive in your hearts. Together, we can make a difference, one splash at a time.

Thank you for being a part of the Imece Network family!