YE “Sport A Language We All Speak” in Bulgaria

Young people from Turkey had a chance to participate in a project in Bulgaria. Between 25 – 31 May, they gathered with other young people from Europe in a Lozen, a village located in the Stolichna Municipality of Sofia.

The project dealt with the importance of sport as an educational tool for intercultural learning, fighting discrimination and promoting social inclusion. Imece network was represented by 4 participants and 1 leader. One of them was Efe, who shares: “For me this project was incredible. Before the project, I always had a question mark about its subject, but they told us the subject in a very good way with the workshops they prepared meticulously.”

The moment he remembers the most is when they took on the roles they gave them and tried to play them for 1 hour.“This left a good impression on me. We cannot prevent discrimination in sports, even if we do not want it due to the media. While everyone knows very famous male actors, we may not even be aware of the existence of female athletes with the same degree. This is true for all sports and athletes.”

The project in Sofia left an impact on all participants. Efe adds: “I have removed one more obstacle in my mind”.

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